
Defining 0followers0likes:

This is a space to share thoughts, feelings and experiences about social alienation.

In topology some geometrical problems are unrelated to the exact shape of objects but are concerning the way in which they are connected. We can think the same way about human issues. People become part of a gear of an enormous overhanging system of which they have to endure the functioning.

0follower0likes explores alternative approaches to connect between humans. 

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Think about decadence.

They breath and they have stories to tell. Stories nobody cares about listening.

We are guilty to make people invisible.

I still hear some noises, but they seem far away. 

Bad media dilutes ideas.

Unethical question in psychology: Is it ok if your therapist asks you how much money you have in your bank account?

Contemporary art in most cases does not speak a language but only repeats a formula.

The human error can make art beautiful.

The atmosphere in my work is claustrophobic, there is a sense of desolation and anxiety.

There is a fine line between visionary ideas and the supernatural.

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